BaseSpace Python SDK

BaseSpacePy is a Python based SDK to be used in the development of Apps and scripts for working with Illumina's BaseSpace cloud-computing solution for next-gen sequencing data analysis. The primary purpose of the SDK is to provide an easy-to-use Python environment enabling developers to authenticate a user, retrieve data, and upload data/results from their own analysis to BaseSpace.

Note: It will be necessary to have created a BaseSpace account with a new App and have the client_key and client_secret codes for the App available to run a number of the following examples.


Version 0.1.1 of BaseSpacePy can be checked out here:

git clone


Requirements: Python 2.6 with the packages 'urllib2', 'pycurl', 'multiprocessing' and 'shutil' available.

The multi-part file upload will currently only run on a unix setup.

To install 'BaseSpacePy' run the '' script in the src directory (for a global install you will need to run this command with root privileges):

cd basespace-python-sdk/src
python install

If you do not have root access, you may use the --prefix option to specify the install directory (make sure this directory is in your PYTHONPATH):

python install --prefix=/folder/in/my/pythonpath

For more install options type:

python --help

Altenatively you may include the src directory in your PYTHONPATH by doing the following export:

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/my/path/basespace-python-sdk/src

or add it to the PYTHONPATH at the top of your Python scripts using BaseSpacePy:

import sys
import BaseSpacePy

To test that everything is working as expected, launch a Python prompt and try importing 'BaseSpacePy':

mkallberg@ubuntu:~/$ python
>>> import BaseSpacePy

Application triggering

This section demonstrates how to retrieve the AppSession object produced when a user triggers a BaseSpace App. Further, we cover how to automatically generate the scope strings to request access to the data object (be it a project or a sample) that the App was triggered to analyze.

The initial http request to our App from BaseSpace is identified by an ApplicationActionId, using this piece of information we are able to obtain information about the user who launched the App and the data that is sought analyzed by the App. First, we instantiate a BaseSpaceAPI object using the client_key and client_secret codes provided on the BaseSpace developer's website when registering our App, as well as the AppSessionId generated from the app-triggering:

from BaseSpacePy.api.BaseSpaceAPI import BaseSpaceAPI

# initialize an authentication object using the key and secret from your app
# Fill in with your own values
client_key                 = <my key>
client_secret              = <my secret>
AppSessionId           = <my appSession id>
BaseSpaceUrl               = ''
version                    = 'v1pre3'

# Using the basespaceApi we can request the appSession object corresponding to the AppSession id supplied
myAppSession = BSapi.getAppSession()
print myAppSession

# An app session contains a referal to one or more appLaunchObjects which reference the data module
# the user launched the app on. This can be a list of projects, samples, or a mixture of objects  
print "\nType of data the app was triggered on can be seen in 'references'"
print myAppSession.References

The output will be:


App session by 152152: Morten Kallberg - Id: <my appSession id> - status: Complete
Type of data the app was triggered on can be seen in 'references'

We can also get a handle to the user who started the AppSession and further information on the AppLaunchObject:

# We can also get a handle to the user who started the AppSession
print "\nWe can get a handle for the user who triggered the app\n" + str(myAppSession.UserCreatedBy)

# Let's have a closer look at the appSessionLaunchObject
myReference =  myAppSession.References[0]
print "\nWe can get out information such as the href to the launch object:"
print myReference.HrefContent
print "\nand the specific type of that object:"
print myReference.Type

The output will be:


We can get a handle for the user who triggered the app
152152: Morten Kallberg

We can get out information such as the href to the launch object:

and the specific type of that object:

To start working, we will want to expand our permission scope for the trigger object so we can read and write data. The details of this process is the subject of the next section. We end this section by demonstrating how one can easily obtain the so-called "scope string" and make the access request:

print "\nWe can get out the specific project objects by using 'content':" 
myReference =  myReference.Content
print myReference
print "\nThe scope string for requesting write access to the reference object is:"
print myReference.getAccessStr(scope='write')

The output will be:


The scope string for requesting write access to the reference object is:
write project 89

We can easily request write access to the reference object so our App can start contributing analysis by default we ask for write permission to and authentication for a device:

accessMap = BSapi.getAccess(myReference)
print "\nWe get the following access map"
print accessMap

The output will be:


We get the following access map
{u'device_code': u'<my device code>', u'verification_uri': u'', u'verification_with_code_uri': u'<my user code>', u'interval': 1, u'expires_in': 1800, u'user_code': u'<my user code>'}

Have the user visit the verification uri to grant us access

print "\nPlease visit the uri within 15 seconds and grant access"
print accessMap['verification_with_code_uri']

The output will be:

Please visit the uri within 15 seconds and grant access<my user code>

Once the user has granted us access to objects we requested we can get the BaseSpace access-token and start browsing simply by calling updatePriviliges on the baseSpaceApi instance:

code = accessMap['device_code']
print "\nThe BaseSpaceAPI instance was update with write privileges" 

The output will be:


The BaseSpaceAPI instance was update with write privileges

For more details on access-requests and authentication and an example of the web-based case see example

Requesting an access-token for data browsing

Here we demonstrate the basic BaseSpace authentication process. The work-flow outlined here is

  1. Request of access to a specific data-scope
  2. User approval of access request
  3. Browsing data

Note: It will be useful if you are logged in to the BaseSpace web-site before launching this example to make the access grant procedure faster.

Again we will start out by initializing a BaseSpaceAPI object:

from BaseSpacePy.api.BaseSpaceAPI import BaseSpaceAPI
import time

client_key                 = <my key>
client_secret              = <my secret>
AppSessionId           = <my appSession id>

BaseSpaceUrl               = ''
version                    = 'v1pre3'

First get verification code and uri for scope 'browse global'

deviceInfo = BSapi.getVerificationCode('browse global')
print "\n URL for user to visit and grant access: "
print deviceInfo['verification_with_code_uri']

At this point the user must visit the verification uri to grant us access

# Have the user visit the verification uri to grant us access
print "\nPlease visit the uri within 15 seconds and grant access"
print deviceInfo['verification_with_code_uri']

The output will be:


URL for user to visit and grant access:<my code>

Please visit the uri within 15 seconds and grant access<my code>

Once the user has granted us access to objects we requested, we can get the basespace access_token and start browsing simply by calling updatePriviliges on the baseSpaceApi instance.

code = deviceInfo['device_code']

As a reference the provided access-token can be obtained from the BaseSpaceApi object

print "\nMy Access-token:"
print BSapi.getAccessToken()

The output will be:


My Access-token:
<my access-token>

At this point we can start using the BaseSpaceAPI instance to browse the available data for the current user, the details of this process is the subject of the next section. Here we will end with showing how the API object can be used to list all BaseSpace genome instances:

# We will get all available genomes with our new api! 
allGenomes  = myAPI.getAvailableGenomes()
print "\nGenomes \n" + str(allGenomes)

The output will be:


[Arabidopsis thaliana, Bos Taurus, Escherichia coli, Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Phix,\
 Rhodobacter sphaeroides, Rattus norvegicus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus Cereus]

Browsing data with global browse access

This section demonstrates basic browsing of BaseSpace objects once an access-token for global browsing has been obtained. We will see how objects can be retrieved using either the BaseSpaceAPI class or by use of method calls on related object instances (for example once a user instance we can use it to retrieve all project belonging to that user).

First we will initialize a BaseSpaceAPI using our access-token for global browse:

from BaseSpacePy.api.BaseSpaceAPI import BaseSpaceAPI

# REST server information and user access_token 
server          = ''
version         = 'v1pre3'
client_key                 = <my key>
client_secret              = <my secret>
AppSessionId           = <my appSession id>
accessToken                = "<my access token>"

# First, create a client for making calls for this user session 
myAPI   = BaseSpaceAPI(client_key, client_secret, BaseSpaceUrl, version, AppSessionId,AccessToken=accessToken)

First we will try to retrieve a genome object:

# Now grab the genome with id=4
myGenome    = myAPI.getGenomeById('4')

print "\nThe Genome is " + str(myGenome)
print "We can get more information from the genome object"
print 'Id: ' + myGenome.Id
print 'Href: ' + myGenome.Href
print 'DisplayName: ' + myGenome.DisplayName

The output will be:


The Genome is Homo sapiens
We can get more information from the genome object
Id: 4
Href: v1pre2/genomes/4
DisplayName: Homo Sapiens - UCSC (hg19)

Using a comparable method we can get a list of all available genomes:

# Get a list of all genomes
allGenomes  = myAPI.getAvailableGenomes()
print "\nGenomes \n" + str(allGenomes)

The output will be:


[Arabidopsis thaliana, Bos Taurus, Escherichia coli, Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Phix,\
 Rhodobacter sphaeroides, Rattus norvegicus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus Cereus]

Now, let us retrieve the User objects for the current user, and list all projects for this user:

# Take a look at the current user
user        = myAPI.getUserById('current')
print "\nThe current user is \n" + str(user)

# Now list the projects for this user
myProjects   = myAPI.getProjectByUser('current')
print "\nThe projects for this user are \n" + str(myProjects)

The output will be:


The current user is 
152152: Morten Kallberg

The projects for this user are 
[HiSeq 2500, Bolt, YourProject, 2X151 Rhodobacter Resequencing, EColi resequencing]

We can also achieve this by making a call using the user instance. Notice that these calls take an instance of BaseSpaceAPI with apporpriate priviliges to complete the transaction as parameter, this true for all retrieval method calls made on data objects:

myProjects2 = user.getProjects(myAPI)
print "\nProjects retrieved from the user instance \n" + str(myProjects2)

# List the runs available for the current user
runs = user.getRuns(myAPI)
print "\nThe runs for this user are \n" + str(runs)

The output will be:


Projects retrieved from the user instance 
[HiSeq 2500, Bolt, YourProject, 2X151 Rhodobacter Resequencing, EColi resequencing]

The runs for this user are 
[2X151 Rhodobacter Resequencing, 2x26 Validation Human 4-Plex, EColi resequencing]

In the same manner we can get a list of accessible user runs:

runs = user.getRuns(myAPI)
print "\nRuns retrieved from user instance \n" + str(runs)

The output will be:


Runs retrieved from user instance 
[2X151 Rhodobacter Resequencing, 2x26 Validation Human 4-Plex, EColi resequencing]

Accessing file-trees and querying BAM or VCF files

In this section we demonstrate how to access samples and analysis from a projects and how to work with the available file data for such instances. In addition, we take a look at some of the special queuring methods associated with BAM- and VCF-files.

Again, start out by initializing a BaseSpaceAPI instance and retrieving all projects belonging to the current user:

# First, create a client for making calls for this user session 
myAPI           = BaseSpaceAPI(client_key, client_secret, BaseSpaceUrl, version, AppSessionId,AccessToken=accessToken)
user        = myAPI.getUserById('current')
myProjects   = myAPI.getProjectByUser('current')

Now we can list all the analyses and samples for these projects

# Let's list all the AppResults and samples for these projects
for singleProject in myProjects:
    print "# " + str(singleProject)
    appResults = singleProject.getAppResults(myAPI)
    print "    The App results for project " + str(singleProject) + " are \n\t" + str(appResults)
    samples = singleProject.getSamples(myAPI)
    print "    The samples for project " + str(singleProject) + " are \n\t" + str(samples)

The output will be:


# HiSeq 2500
    The App results  for project HiSeq 2500 are 
    [Resequencing - Completed]
    The samples for project HiSeq 2500 are 
# Bolt
    The App results  for project Bolt are 
    [Amplicon - Completed, Amplicon - Completed, Amplicon ...
    The samples for project Bolt are 
    [sample_1, sample_2, sample_3, ...


We'll take a further look at the files belonging to the sample from the last project in the loop above:

for s in samples:
    print "Sample " + str(s)
    ff = s.getFiles(myAPI)
    print ff

The output will be:


Sample Ecoli
[s_G1_L001_R1_001.fastq.1.gz, s_G1_L001_R1_002.fastq.1.gz, s_G1_L001_R2_001.fastq.1.gz, s_G1_L001_R2_002.fastq.1.gz]

Now, have a look at some of the methods calls specific to Bam and VCF files. First, we will get a Bam-file and then retrieve the coverage information available for chromosome 2 between positions 1 and 20000:

# Now do some work with files 
# we'll grab a BAM by id and get the coverage for an interval + accompanying meta-data 

myBam = myAPI.getFileById('2150156')
print myBam
cov     = myBam.getIntervalCoverage(myAPI,'chr2','1','20000')
print cov 
covMeta = myBam.getCoverageMeta(myAPI,'chr2')
print covMeta

The output will be:


Chrchr2: 1-20096: BucketSize=16
CoverageMeta: max=20483 gran=128

For VCF-files we can filter variant calls based on chromosome and location as well:

# and a vcf file
myVCF = myAPI.getFileById('2150158')

# Get the variant meta info 
varMeta = myVCF.getVariantMeta(myAPI)
print varMeta
var     = myVCF.filterVariant(myAPI,'2','1', '11000') 
print var

The output will be:


VariantHeader: SampleCount=1
[Variant - chr2: 10236 id=['.'], Variant - chr2: 10249 id=['.'], ....]

Creating an AppResult and uploading files

In this section we will see how to create a new AppResults object, change the state of the related AppSession, and upload result files to it as well as retrieve files from it.

First, create a client for making calls for this user session:

myBaseSpaceAPI   = BaseSpaceAPI(client_key, client_secret, BaseSpaceUrl, version, AppSessionId,AccessToken=accessToken)

# Now we'll do some work of our own. First get a project to work on
# we'll need write permission, for the project we are working on
# meaning we will need get a new token and instantiate a new BaseSpaceAPI  
p = myBaseSpaceAPI.getProjectById('89')

Assuming we have write access for the project, we will list the current analyses for the project:

appRes = p.getAppResults(myBaseSpaceAPI,statuses=['Running'])
print "\nThe current running AppResults are \n" + str(appRes)

The output will be:


The current running AppResults are 
[Results for sample 123, Results for sample 124 ...]

To create an appResults for a project, simply give the name and description:

appResults = p.createAppResult(myBaseSpaceAPI,"testing","this is my results",appSessionId='')
print "\nSome info about our new app results"
print appResults
print appResults.Id
print "\nThe app results also comes with a reference to our AppSession"
myAppSession = appResults.AppSession
print myAppSession

The output will be:


Some info about our new app results
AppResult: testing

The app results also comes with a reference to our AppSession
App session by 152152: Morten Kallberg - Id: <my appSession Id> - status: Running

We can change the status of our AppSession and add a status-summary as follows

myAppSession.setStatus(myBaseSpaceAPI,'needsattention',"We worked hard, but encountered some trouble.")
print "\nAfter a change of status of the app sessions we get\n" + str(myAppSession)
# we'll set our appSession back to running so we can do some more work
myAppSession.setStatus(myBaseSpaceAPI,'running',"Back on track")

The output will be:


After a change of status of the app sessions we get
App session by 152152: Morten Kallberg - Id: <my appSession Id> - status: NeedsAttention

Now we will make another AppResult and try to upload a file to it

appResults2 = p.createAppResult(myBaseSpaceAPI,"My second AppResult","This one I will upload to")
appResults2.uploadFile(myBaseSpaceAPI, '/home/mkallberg/Desktop/testFile2.txt', 'BaseSpaceTestFile.txt', '/mydir/', 'text/plain')
print "\nMy AppResult number 2 \n" + str(appResults2)

## let's see if our new file made it
appResultFiles = appResults2.getFiles(myBaseSpaceAPI)
print "\nThese are the files in the appResult"
print appResultFiles
f = appResultFiles[-1]

The output will be:


My AppResult number 2 
AppResult: My second AppResult

These are the files in the appResult

We can even download our newly uploaded file in the following manner:

f = myBaseSpaceAPI.getFileById(f.Id)

How to Launch Native Apps using the Python SDK

To make the app launch process easier, we've wrapped the process described in the API Reference and Testing and Debugging Documentation and exposed the functionality through the BaseSpace Python SDK. To make use of this wrapping, you'll need to download a copy of the BaseSpace Python SDK and install it using the instructions included with the repository. The following code can be used to launch an app in BaseSpace using the Python SDK. It depends on you filling in a project ID, sample ID, and sample name that are accessible from the access credentials provided for the Python SDK. Note that we have used the Python templating module jinja2 to fill in the app launch template.

You will also need to use an access_token that is private. This can be found in the Credentials tab in the Developer portal.

App launch sample code

The following python script will launch the Isaac v2 WGS app that is published in BaseSpace. The Id of this app is 278278 and it requires a Sample Id and Project Id at the very least in order to launch the app:

from BaseSpacePy.api.BaseSpaceAPI import BaseSpaceAPI
import jinja2
# ID for IsaacV2 WGS app
app_id = "278278"
template_file = "/home/basespaceuser/git/basespace-python-sdk/data/apptemplates/IsaacV2Template.json"
template = jinja2.Template(open(template_file).read())
myAPI = BaseSpaceAPI()
app_variables = {
    "SampleName" : "my-sample-name",
    "SampleID" : "BaseSpaceSampleID",
    "ProjectID" : "BaseSpaceSampleID"
launch_json = template.render(app_variables)
myAPI.launchApp(app_id, launch_json)

The app_variables that you provide depends on the input form for the app that is being launched. In order to launch an app, you will be required to know the input form's fields for that app in order to pass the correct parameters to launch the app. All of the required input form fields must be provided in order for the app to launch.

If successful, the above request will trigger an application to begin analysis, the user will now be able to view the running analysis in BaseSpace.


This section contains useful code-snippets demonstrating use-cases that frequently come up in App development.

Filtering file-lists and AppResult-lists using query parameter dictionaries

Given a sample "a" we can retrieve a subset of the full file-list using a query parameter dictionary:

In [10]: a.getFiles(myAPI)
Out[10]: [sorted.bam, sorted.bam.bai, genome.vcf]

In [11]: a.getFiles(myAPI,myQp={'Extensions':'bam'})
Out[11]: [sorted.bam]

Filter with multiple extensions:

In [12]: a.getFiles(myAPI,myQp={'Extensions':'bam,vcf'})
Out[12]: [sorted.bam, genome.vcf]

You can provide all other legal sorting/filtering keyword in this dictionary to get further refinement of the list:

In [13]: a.getFiles(myAPI,myQp={'Extensions':'bam,vcf','SortBy':'Path'})
Out[13]: [genome.vcf, sorted.bam]

You can supply a dictionary of query parameters when you retrieving appresults, in the same way you filter file lists. Below is an example of how to limit the number of results from 100 (default value for “Limit”) to 10.

In [3]: res = p.getAppResults(myBaseSpaceAPI)

In [4]: len(res)
Out[4]: 100

In [5]: res = p.getAppResults(myBaseSpaceAPI,myQp={'Limit':'10'})

In [6]: len(res)
Out[6]: 10

Feature Requests and Bugs

Please feel free to report any feedback regarding the Python SDK directly to the Python SK Repository, we appreciate any and all feedback about the SDKs. We will do anything we can to improve the SDK and make it easy for developers to use the SDK.